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Free Posters page 2 - inspirational quotes

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Free posters of quotes, motivational, inspirational and funny sayings - free posters for work, offices, education and fun

Free Inspirational Posters (1) (2)

Free posters of quotes, motivational, inspirational and funny sayings for work, offices, education and fun

This is page 2 of Businessballs free motivational and inspirational posters.

Here is Businessballs free posters page 1, which contains the beginning of the free posters collection.

Businessballs posters are free to print for work, offices, business, education and fun. Free to download, save and print, and use in teaching, training, self-development and helping others.

The posters must not be sold or published in any form or added to another website, thank you.

All posters are available as free pdf downloads by clicking on the poster thumbnails (small images) below, and on the posters page 1.

The posters are A4 and look best in colour.

Posters may be enlarged - a print or copy-shop will normally be able to do this using the pdf file which you can open and save from this webpage.


Posters help many areas of development..

Words are very powerful. Especially when we see them repeatedly, as happens on posters.

Memorable quotes and sayings can help us to change the way we feel and think.

Positive sayings assist training and development, learning, group and team building, and personal growth in others.

Posters can help establish an ethical positive caring culture in a workplace, in training centres, and schools and colleges.

They can be used to create and confirm standards and expectations, for young people especially.

Funny posters also help lift morale and create talking points in businesses, organizations and offices.

Posters with famous positive quotes and sayings are inspirational and motivational for staff and customers, and help to lift beliefs, values, expectations and reputations.

Humour helps to bring humanity and fun to offices and work and educational situations. That said, a poster that is funny to you might not be funny to someone else, so use your judgement. Use posters that are appropriate for your audience.

See also free Businessballs posters page 1.

The poster quotes featured here also appear on the inspirational quotes webpage of this website.

The Businessballs website awareness posters at the end of this page are designed to inform people about the Businessballs website. Please print them and display them where you think people might be helped by using it. Thank you for supporting Businessballs.

More free, funny, inspirational and motivational posters will be added to this resource in the future.


Businessballs posters of quotes

Inspirational, amusing, thought-provoking quotes. On free pdf posters. Click the images to see and download/save the posters, to print and display for your own purposes.

Please note that Businessballs copyright relates to the posters designs and Businessballs trademark, and to the explanatory attributions. Businessballs copyright does not apply to the quotes themselves, other than on this page to the 'I Am' quote towards the foot of this page, which first appeared on the self-belief webpage published in 2002.

free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

my symphony

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden, and unconscious grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony."

(Known as My Symphony, these uplifting words were written by William Henry Channing, 1810-84, an American Christian-socialist clergyman, writer, philosopher, and Chaplain of the US House of Representatives.)

Please note that Businessballs copyright relates to the posters designs and Businessballs trademark, and where applicable to contextual text/attribution. Copyright is not claimed for the quotes themselves, unless stated.

 my symphony quote
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersgo away and find out for yourself posterjust flipping do it poster

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

"What we have got is whole generations of people helping children to pass exams. But to really fire children's imaginations you need teachers who don't give them answers, but give them questions. There's a dictum in primary education: when a child asks a really good question, don't answer it. Give them the information to work it out, so they can think: 'By God, I've got it!' - That's how the brain works."

(John Abbott, educationalist and writer. The quote, during Abbot's presidency of the 21st Century Learning Initiative, was aimed at children's education, but the principle applies equally to adult learning and development.)

 john abbott quote
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

"Any fact facing us, however difficult, even seemingly hopeless, is not so important as our attitude towards that fact. How you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You may permit a fact to overwhelm you mentally before you deal with it actually. On the other hand, a confident and optimistic thought pattern can overcome or modify the fact altogether."

(Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993, author and protestant minister, from his 1953 book, The Power of Positive Thinking.)

 Norman Vincent Peale 'positive thinking' quote
keep it simple stupid posterwhat you get is what you deserve posterswork it out for your flipping self posters

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

"No man is an island, entirely of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of your own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

(John Donne, 1572-1631, English poet, from Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII, written in 1624, adapted above into more modern language from the original prose: "No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.")

 For whom the bell tolls quote
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

"This is about helping children become themselves. What is a school if it isn't helping people find what they want to do? I don't just mean careers. I mean teaching how to sing, dance, paint, act, write poetry, play tennis, play the guitar. We'd be a better, more harmonious society if people had these interests developed when they were young. But they don't. That's a cause of depression. And the things I'm talking about: children need them here (in school), but the more deprived the background, the less the infrastructure at home, the greater the need. If schools aren't going to do these things, who is?"

(Anthony Seldon, writer, educationist, school head, and advocate of developing young people's personal potential. From an interview published in the Guardian newspaper, 27 May 2007. Just as schools must improve the way they develop young people, so business and employers must align better with the needs of adults. See Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory and Erik Erikson's life-stages theory - both featured on the Businessballs website - as they relate to developing personal value, belief and purpose.)

 Anthony Seldon quote - children, schools, learning
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters
free funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes postersfree funny motivational inspirational quotes posters


The glass half-full/half-empty quotes

These posters feature content from the ongoing 'Glass half-full/half-empty' debate, which is routinely extended by visitor contributions. The 'Glass half-full...' item first appeared on the amusing quotes, rules, and maxims webpage.

Featured extracts (on the pdf posters), thanks: P Deer, C Trafford, J Benad, R Wishin, B Langley, C Bacon, D Spira, J Cooper, M Lemma, J Crawshaw, J Crowthers, R Stalenberg, James, GGC, R Huff, H Arora, Rosalie, D Thompson, W Snethlage, P Keogh, S Ainscough, S Billbess, whose collective creative genius is greatly appreciated.

If you can extend the debate as to whether the glass is half-full, half-empty, in some other state, or in a different space/time continuum altogether, feel free to send your ideas via the Businessballs website. The world needs to know.

This poster includes, among others, the following quotes:

is the glass half full or half empty.. (1)

"The optimist says the glass is half full."

"The pessimist says the glass is half empty."

"The project manager says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

"The school teacher says it's not about whether the glass is half empty or half full, it's whether there is something in the glass at all."

And more. Click the image to see and download the poster.

 is the glass half full or half empty quotes 1

This poster includes, among others, the following quotes:

is the glass half full or half empty.. (2)

"The fanatic thinks the glass is completely full, even though it isn't."

"The entrepreneur sees the glass as undervalued by half its potential."

"The grammarian says that while the terms half-full and half-empty are colloquially acceptable the glass can technically be neither since both full and empty are absolute states and therefore are incapable of being halved or modified in any way."

And more. Click the image to see and download the poster.

 is the glass half full or half empty quotes 2

This poster includes, among others, the following quotes:

is the glass half full or half empty.. (3)

"The magician will show you the glass with the full half at the top."

"The physician says that the glass is not empty at all - it is half-filled with water and half-filled with air - hence, fully filled on the whole!"

"The musician says he/she is unimpressed with the promoter of the concert for not providing more alcohol."

And more. Click the image to see and download the poster.

 is the glass half full or half empty quotes 3

This poster contains the inspirational quote:

is the glass half full or half empty.. (4)

"The personal coach knows that the glass goes from full to empty depending on the circumstances, and reminds the drinker that he can always fill the glass when he wishes."

"The computer programmer says the glass is full-empty."

"The algebraic simultaneous equation theorist says that if the glass is equally half full and half empty, then half full = half empty; therefore ½ x F = ½ x E; therefore (by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2) we show that F = E; i.e. Full equals Empty!"

And more. Click the image to see and download the poster.

 is the glass half full or half empty quotes 4


The 'I Am' quote was first published on the self-belief webpage, written as part of the introduction to that item and first published on this website in 2002.

I had not thought to include it here on a poster until a website visitor S Boyd suggested it during 2010, which I greatly appreciated.

free funny motivational inspirational quotes posters


Please note that Businessballs copyright relates to the posters designs and Businessballs trademark, and to the explanatory attributions. Businessballs copyright does not apply to the quotes themselves, other than on this page to the 'I Am' quote above.


Businessballs website awareness posters

Here are a couple of posters.

Please print them and display them where you think people might be helped by using this website.

Thank you for supporting Businessballs.

Click on the pics to open and save the pdf posters. 

businessballs poster landscape

businessballs poster portrait


Here are the posters with the US-English spelling of 'organizational'.

Again click on the pic to open and download the pdf poster.

businessballs poster us

businessballs poster us


I welcome suggestions and contributions for new quotes - inspirational, helpful, amusing, thought-provoking, whatever - Please send your ideas and creations. The best ones are published on the inspirational quotes page, or the amusing quotes, rules, and maxims page, and the brightest sparkly ones on this posters page.  


See also