Course: Leadership Styles | BusinessBalls: Leadership, Compliance, Soft Skills Training
What is Leadership?
"The action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this" - Oxford English Dictionary.
Are You A Leader?
Leadership and Management
Leadership is more about change, inspiration, setting the purpose and direction, and building the enthusiasm, unity and 'staying-power' for the journey ahead. Management is less about change, and more about stability and making the best use of resources to get things done.
Leadership Styles
A leadership style is a narrow and specific behaviour compared to a model or philosophy. Leadership style may be strongly influenced by the leader's personality, the aims of the leader, and relationship with followers. A style is a description of a leader's behaviours, and may also be like a tool in the leadership models toolkit.
Choosing A Leadership Style
Leadership Models and Theory
Leadership Philosophies
Functional types of leadership models focus on what the leader has to do. Unlike the Behavioural Ideals approach, Functional leadership models do not suggest ideal ways of behaving, nor do they match behaviours to circumstances like Situational/Contingency theory. Instead, Functional leadership models focus on the action areas that a leader must address to be effective. The most notable Functional models are John Adair's Action-Centred Leadership, and Kouzes & Posner's Five Leadership Practices.
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Leadership Vision and Values
Quiz, Certificate and Accreditation
An end of course quiz to test your progress throughout the Leadership Styles course. If you are interested in taking your leadership and management knowledge into an internationally-recognised qualification, visit our partner Accipio's site here.
Additional Resources
Additional resources and videos to aid you in your Leadership Styles training and support the information available across this course.
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