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Abstract Images for Feelings, Challenge and Change

Completion requirements

Intuitive appreciation and reflection of feelings, situations, choices and changes.

Intuitive Appreciation and reflection of feelings, situations, choices and changes

Sometimes situations and challenges become clearer when we look at them in a different way.

  • Conventional language and media often obscure more than they reveal.
  • Personal feelings and choices are sometimes better approached intuitively.
  • These wonderful abstracts by hypnotherapist Gloria May are designed to help this process.

You can use them in a variety of ways. Some suggestions are below.

Click on the images to download bigger versions of these thought-provoking abstracts.

Anxiety reflection toolAnxiety 

The best laid plans discussion toolThe Best Laid Plans.. 

JUST_MAKE_UP_YOUR_MIND.jpgJust Make Up Your Mind 

Resolved reflection toolResolved 

unhappy family reflection toolUnhappy Family 

Character Assassination reflection toolCharacter Assassination 

Sweet Dreams reflective toolSweet Dreams 

Happy Family reflection toolHappy Family 

UNINTENDED_CONSEQUENCES.jpgUnintended Consequences 

Guilt reflection toolI Feel So Guilty 
(impediment to change) 

Willpower reflection toolWillpower 
(is not always the best way to change - 
because it requires constant vigilance)

Take your pickTake Your Pick 
(Work v Prison - how do you see it?) 

How can You Use these Images?

These images can be used in the facilitation of reflection, self-awareness, objectivity, improvement and development.

They can be used to prompt discussion and reaction, and they offer a different way to address certain issues and feelings that are often difficult to approach using conventional words and descriptions.

The pictures can also be used with children and young people to discuss and explore what these concepts mean, and what the abstracts represent.

Or the pictures can be used simply for personal private contemplation.


These abstracts are reproduced with permission from Gloria May, which is gratefully acknowledged.

Gloria May is a registered hypnotherapist based in London.

Gloria can be reached through her website and also via the National Council for Hypnotherapy ( or email:

Related Materials

  • Benziger's Personality Types and Thinking Styles Theory
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Human Development
  • Graphology - Handwriting Analysis
  • Kolb's Learning Styles Theory
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • McGregor s X-Y Theory and William Ouchi's Theory Z
  • McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory
  • Generational Nickmnames Model/Theory
  • Personality Theories and Types