video clips for teaching and training
video clips for training, teaching and presentations
Video clips bring training and teaching to life.
Video clips help emphasise ideas and lessons, and promote discussion.
Funny and entertaining clips also make learning a lot more enjoyable. Everyone needs a little fun sometimes.
Here are some examples.
These video clips are linked to the content in YouTube; they are not hosted on Businessballs. The availability of the clips on this webpage therefore relies on the material remaining on YouTube.
Send your own suggestions of video clips for teaching and training.
peter sharp - social artist, life/societal changer, dancer..
This is an extraordinary Ted Talk video, about an extraordinary man and his extraordinary ideas and events and achievements..
There is so much here that inspires... Peter Sharp's amazing irresistible passion and faith.. His very deliberate exposure and vulnerability, because he has learned that making oneself vulnerable invites trust and builds love and strength, and opens the doors in others for feelings, communicating, and human connections that so many people have lost and struggle to find.
The concepts in this video inspire a belief in, and a purpose to rediscover, ancient values and human behaviours/behaviors - such as dance, and hugging, and eye-contact, and crying, and simple human intimacy - ideas that modern society so often persuades us are wrong or unimportant - when in fact these things are fundamental for wellbeing and societal health.
This video reminds us also that one person - with a passion and a determination - can make a very big difference in our world. So you can too.
Be inspired..
Peter Sharp's movement is Here is Peter Sharp's fabulous blog. And here is Peter Sharp's personal website.
Go see, and spread the word..
sir ken robinson - changing paradigms in education
Ken Robinson's RSA (Royal Society of Arts) talk - adapted by the RSA into this excellent cartoon format.
The talk, and Robinson's thinking, have profound relevance for teaching, training and understanding/developing human potential, far beyond the education of young people.
Incidentally the percentages for declining divergent thinking among people after being educated (not shown in the cartoon, but shown in the full talk) are:
3-5 years old - 98% (of children are genius level in divergent thinking)
8-10 years - 32%
13-15yrs - 10%
25+yrs - 2%
Helpful reference materials include: Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, and Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, and the many other materials which are linked to from these items, depending on your development aims and interests.
(Thanks CB - Here is the full Ken Robinson RSA talk - 55 mins)
the herding instinct...
Fascinating and amusing illustration of the tendency for people to herd or swarm. Raises questions about motivation and reward where people flock to follow or support a particular cause or product. People like to belong. Early adopters/pioneers are risk-takers. The swarm effect becomes part of the product's appeal. The internet and modern communications technologies accelerate and expand the phenomenon dramatically.
Many other interesting discussion points arise from this, for example how this relates to 'The Wisdom of Crowds', and where the 'Tipping Point' might be (both swarmingly popular books - respectively by James Surowiecki and Malcom Gladwell). Incidentally Sasquatch Music Festival 2009 was at The Gorge Amphitheatre in Quincy (3hrs from Seattle), Washington. USA, 23-25 May.
(Thanks Doug Miller)
the apprentice...
Mainly for fun, if you like this sort of mischief (no pun intended). It's also an amusing way to start a discussion about The Apprentice TV show and its related issues.
(Thanks Tony)
work and play - people need fun, whatever the job
American WGN News presenters Robert Jordan and Jackie Bange having fun off-camera during the weather forecast. This demonstrates the following:
- news presenters are entertainers as well as journalists
- even people in exciting jobs get bored
- practice makes perfect
(Thanks EP for suggesting this item.)
animals - and entrepreneurial creativity
Gregory Pike and his animals Booger, Kitty and Mousey, in Santa Barbara, California. Seemingly they support a homeless lifestyle with donations from the public. Apparently the clip was produced by Santa Barbara's mayor who sent it as a Christmas video message. Contact me if you have better information about this.
Aside from the obvious peace-love-understanding-racial-harmony message, the clip is also a demonstration of entrepreneurial innovation and the power of the web in achieving global publicity at zero cost. Potentially, a great idea is all you need.
(Thanks EP)
medieval IT support clip
A very funny illustration of the challenge that we all face when learning new things, and a particularly amusing slant on the common issues arising between staff of technical helpdesks, notably IT support, and users.
The learning and support difficulty is created by something that is new and strange to the learner or user.
The level of technology, skills, experience do not in themselves create the problems - what matters is simply whether task is understood at a personal individual level.
(Thanks Shane for sending me the clip originally; also thanks to J Harland for pointing me to the YouTube version and origin: from the show "Øystein og jeg" on Norwegian Broadcasting, NRK, in 2001, featuring Øystein Backe as IT support, and Rune Gokstad as monk-user, and written by Knut Nærum.)
education - wonderful speech by sir ken robinson
This is Sir Ken Robinson at the 2006 TED conference. Ken Robinson is a world-renowned expert in creativity and innovation in business and education. He was knighted in 2003 for his achievements as a writer, speaker and leader in this field.
This amusing and powerfully inspiring speech lasts 20 minutes. It addresses fundamental aspects of education and development, and incidentally relates strongly to ideas of multiple intelligence, and the need to develop passions and potential within people, rather than merely teach and train what the system says they need.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, a conference and website movement for brilliant ideas, typically fuelled by amazing talks given by leading figures from the three areas. Don't be put off by the BMW ads at the start and finish. They are main sponsors of TED.
(My thanks to Doug Miller for suggesting this wonderful item.)
jill bolte taylor - left/right brain, self-awareness, transcendence
Another remarkable TED talk. Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor speaks about her stroke and its empowering and illuminating effects. Within this talk is also a fascinating demonstration of left and right brain functionality. And all presented in a context of great humour and humanity.
As she says, "Cool, I'm having a stroke... How many neuroscientists have the chance to study the effects of a stroke - from the inside out?..."
(Thanks CB for suggestion.)
personal connection technology (where cellphones are headed soon)
Very clever technology developed by MIT's Media Lab group combining:
- web connection
- camera
- projection
- your own body
(Thanks EP)
telemarketing karma
Unsolicited cold-calling, especially the type which seeks to mislead and exploit people, is irritating for the people receiving these unwanted calls, but it also carries risks for telephone canvassers..
There is a sense of karma to this. If you engage in unethical methods you become vulnerable one day to becoming exploited yourself.
(Thanks JG)
david davis resignation speech
Important: at this clip, click on the bottom-right button in the clip frame to display the clip in full screen.
The David Davis resignation speech of 12 June 2008 is a remarkable piece of political and leadership theatre.
The speech and situation surrounding it, and how events unfold, offer an excellent and unique opportunity to examine and discuss a wide range of issues relating to:
- Leadership (to what extent is this action one of leadership - or does this depend on how people respond to it?)
- Strategy (of Davis, of the Government, and of the Conservative party)
- Motivation (of David Davis, and of the people he is appealing to - us, in other words)
- Game Theory (basically the science of human tactics - see Game Theory)
- Communications
- Inspiration
- Public speaking
- Society
- Political and democratic systems (notably the ways that society engage with government and systems of authority and leadership - these things are changing as society becomes more informed and empowered)
- Media (notably its reactions, motives, and especially its influence on people's views)
- Management (and leadership, by David Cameron of the implications arising from Davis's actions)
and virtually any other aspect of human behaviour you care to examine.
David Davis's powerful speech especially provides a wonderful opportunity to assess and better appreciate the different effects of style and content within communications and actions which seek to influence people and situations.
To what extent are certain types of leadership and strategy 'counter-intuitive' - i.e., an action appears not to make sense, but actually it does?
the town of allopath
This unusual and innovative cartoon about the Town of Allopath can be used to illustrate various themes and issues, including:
- the difference between cause and effect
- jumping to conclusions
- consultants and experts
- the unquestioning nature of people
- big business and corporations
- vested interests
- the behaviour of systems
- prevention is different to cure
My thanks to Douglas Miller for pointing me to this video. The website behind the video is interesting and full of other ideas.
four candles - for communications and customer service, etc
The Two Ronnies sketch is wonderful for illustrating communications, especially for customer service. This might be removed from YouTube at some stage subject to BBC policy. Meanwhile, enjoy.
selling demonstrations
Ensure you plan and practise all sales demonstrations. Especially if your demonstration is to be broadcast on live TV.
genius, quality, beauty, modern technology, added value, and standing on the shoulders of giants..
Quality is sometimes easier to demonstrate than to explain.
Especially when modern technology is involved.
For a coffee break quiz maybe see who can name the most of these screen stars.
The answers, according to the YouTube posting are below, and by the way, the music is given as: Bach's Prelude from Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 performed by Yo-Yo Ma.
Mary Pickford, Lillian Gish, Gloria Swanson, Marlene Dietrich, Norma Shearer, Ruth Chatterton, Jean Harlow, Katharine Hepburn, Carole Lombard, Bette Davis, Greta Garbo, Barbara Stanwyck, Vivien Leigh, Greer Garson, Hedy Lamarr, Rita Hayworth, Gene Tierney, Olivia de Havilland, Ingrid Bergman, Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Loretta Young, Deborah Kerr, Judy Garland, Anne Baxter, Lauren Bacall, Susan Hayward, Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Lana Turner, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Novak, Audrey Hepburn, Dorothy Dandridge, Shirley MacLaine, Natalie Wood, Rita Moreno, Janet Leigh, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Ann Margret, Julie Andrews, Raquel Welch, Tuesday Weld, Jane Fonda, Julie Christie, Faye Dunaway, Catherine Deneuve, Jacqueline Bisset, Candice Bergen, Isabella Rossellini, Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sigourney Weaver, Kathleen Turner, Holly Hunter, Jodie Foster, Angela Bassett, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Sandra Bullock, Julianne Moore, Diane Lane, Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry.
The creator of this particular work of genius goes by the name of eggman913.
A fine example of added value and standing on the shoulders of giants if ever there was one.
More beautiful added value from the same genius..
Unfortunately details are not available for all the paintings, the painters or the painted. Answers on a postcard please...
clips for coffee-breaks and various illustrations
While not directly linked to any particular learning or teaching theme, these clips feature excellence and creativity of various sorts, which relate to the more general ideas of personal development and achievement. None of these people just woke up one morning and discovered these capabilities - they had a passion or a dream, and they made it happen through practice and persistence.
A fine juggler once explained jokingly to me that the difference between juggling five balls and three is as follows: "Imagine the degree of difficulty in juggling being measured on a scale of one to ten. Juggling three balls is about two on the scale of difficulty. Juggling four balls is about three on the scale. Juggling five balls is between fiften and twenty on the scale..."
World juggling champion Jason Garfield makes it look easy. He's confident too, as shown in his interview, amusingly..
creating new rules
Stanley Jordan, guitar 'tapping' pioneer, didn't just develop expertise, he changed the rules too...
Stanley Jordan is self-taught. His work was first released in the 1980s. He is an advocate of music therapy, and as with many great minds, applies his thinking to wider humanitarian issues as well as music. His website explains more.
the ukulele comes of age
Jake Shimabukuro - ukulele master - he's a rare talent for sure, but he also found something to excel at which not many had been bothered with before. Sometimes it's easier to make an impact in a less crowded field.
Here's the wonderful ukuleledisco website, for ukulele fans and teachers. And Jake Shimabukuro's website.
And incidentally here's the origin of the word ukulele.
Please send your own suggestions of other helpful video clips for teaching and training