Russia History Quiz #4

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Questions: 21

Time Limit: 10:30

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  1. After which planet was the 1943 pincer movement to end the siege of Leningrad named?
    1. Earth
    2. Mars
    3. Uranus
    4. Pluto
  2. For how many years did Putin serve in the KGB?
    1. 16
    2. 1
    3. 4
    4. 22
  3. How many years did Khrushchev serve as First secretary of the Community Party?
    1. 11
    2. 7
    3. 4
    4. 14
  4. In 2015, Sergey Mitrokhin was the leader of which political party?
    1. A Just Russia
    2. LDPR
    3. Communist Party
    4. Yabloko
  5. In what year did was Ivan the Great born?
    1. 1010
    2. 1220
    3. 1440
    4. 1660
  6. Kamnev and Zinoviev were held in famous show trials in which year?
    1. 1936
    2. 1956
    3. 1946
    4. 1978
  7. Panticapaeum was the capital of which Kingdom?
    1. Kama
    2. Bosporan
    3. Macedon
    4. Scythian
  8. The Bosporan Kingdom was incorporated into which Roman Province in 63 AD?
    1. Moesia Inferior
    2. Joesia Upper
    3. Robeisa Exterior
    4. Loesia Exterior
  9. The Scythians were one of the first tribes to perfect which weapon?
    1. Sword
    2. Bow
    3. Knife
    4. Shield
  10. What is the name of the black female Labrador owned by Vladimir Putin?
    1. Loni
    2. Roni
    3. Koni
    4. Soni
  11. What was the first name of Prime Minister Tikhonov?
    1. Nikolay
    2. Joseph
    3. Aleksander
    4. Vladimir
  12. What was the surname of Ivan I?
    1. Falita
    2. Jalita
    3. Kalita
    4. Malita
  13. When did Salyut become the first Space Station to orbit the earth?
    1. 1981
    2. 1971
    3. 1991
    4. 2001
  14. When did Tikhonov replace Kosygin as Prime Minister?
    1. 1980
    2. 1983
    3. 1985
    4. 1987
  15. When was the common household Radiator invented in Russia?
    1. 1998
    2. 1857
    3. 1957
    4. 1766
  16. Where is the Tillia Tepe archaeological site where key information about the Scythians has been discovered?
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Russia
    3. Moldova
    4. Ukraine
  17. Which major sporting event was held in Russia in 1980?
    1. Ryder Cup
    2. Football World Cup
    3. Summer Olympics
    4. Winter Olympics
  18. Which of these was the name of an economic plan launched in 1921?
    1. Gosplan
    2. Mosplan
    3. Losplan
    4. Fosplan
  19. Who appoints the Russian Prime Minister?
    1. President
    2. Secretary of State
    3. King
    4. Head of KGB
  20. Who oversaw the period known as the "Golden Period" of Kiev?
    1. Peter II
    2. Catherine II
    3. Vladimir II
    4. Maxim II
  21. Whose role was extended from 4 to 6 years in 2008?
    1. Commander in Chief
    2. President
    3. Chairman of the Duma
    4. Prime Minister

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. After which planet was the 1943 pincer movement to end the siege of Leningrad named?
  2. For how many years did Putin serve in the KGB?
  3. How many years did Khrushchev serve as First secretary of the Community Party?
  4. In 2015, Sergey Mitrokhin was the leader of which political party?
  5. In what year did was Ivan the Great born?
  6. Kamnev and Zinoviev were held in famous show trials in which year?
  7. Panticapaeum was the capital of which Kingdom?
  8. The Bosporan Kingdom was incorporated into which Roman Province in 63 AD?
    Moesia Inferior
  9. The Scythians were one of the first tribes to perfect which weapon?
  10. What is the name of the black female Labrador owned by Vladimir Putin?
  11. What was the first name of Prime Minister Tikhonov?
  12. What was the surname of Ivan I?
  13. When did Salyut become the first Space Station to orbit the earth?
  14. When did Tikhonov replace Kosygin as Prime Minister?
  15. When was the common household Radiator invented in Russia?
  16. Where is the Tillia Tepe archaeological site where key information about the Scythians has been discovered?
  17. Which major sporting event was held in Russia in 1980?
    Summer Olympics
  18. Which of these was the name of an economic plan launched in 1921?
  19. Who appoints the Russian Prime Minister?
  20. Who oversaw the period known as the "Golden Period" of Kiev?
    Vladimir II
  21. Whose role was extended from 4 to 6 years in 2008?
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