General Knowledge Quiz #270

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Questions: 71

Time Limit: 10:00

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  1. What ancient word for a crown refers to the gaseous outer envelope of a sun or planet?
  2. Hulianwang, diadiktyo, ipurangi, and y rhyngrwyd are Chinese, Greek, Maori and Welsh for: Water; Hello; Love; or Internet?
  3. A laparotomy or celiotomy refers to accessing what cavity: Clock/watch-case; Building floor/ceiling; Human abdomen; or Egyptian tomb?
  4. Omnivorous refers to what sort of diet: Meat; Fish; Vegetable; or Varied?
  5. The surname Mercer refers to what trade: Textile fabrics; Beer; Weaponry; or Beekeeping?
  6. On 1st July 2017 Canada celebrated its (What?) anniversary (of when Canadian Confederation was proclaimed): 100th; 150th; 200th; or 300th?
  7. What ailment is known in Cockney Rhyming Slang as 'Farmer Giles'?
  8. In botony a bract is a type of: Leaf; Aroma; Root; or Seed?
  9. What sort of image is recorded using a laser and semi-transparent mirror?
  10. Meissen in Germany is also the name of what high quality product from the city: Sausage; Lager; Porcelain; or Motorbike?
  11. In what country is the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster?
  12. 'o small' equates to what name for O in the Greek alphabet?
  13. In the musical treble clef what note is the bottom line: A; B; C; D; or E?
  14. What sort of giant (5m erect) creature is the extinct megatherium: Giraffe; Elephant; Sloth; or Penguin?
  15. The Anglicized French term entrepôt refers to a significant: Mathematical theory; Sea port; Announcement; or Breakfast?
  16. Roughly how many tennis balls are stocked for use at the Wimbledon Tennis Championship fortnight: 1,200; 2,200; 4,500; or 57,000?
  17. 2.What South American country between Venezuela and Suriname has the capital Georgetown: Uruguay; Chile; Guyana; or Peru?
  18. 3.Durian is considered King of: Fountain pens; Sports cars; Kitchen knives; or Fruits?
  19. 4.What navigational instrument and balancing toy has a spinning wheel in a tilting carrier?
  20. 5.Jaggery is a form of non-centrifugal: Diamond; Salt; Sugar; or Petrol?
  21. 6.The Tango was originally danced by two: Women; Men; Warriors; or Grandparents?
  22. 7.What has the speed of 767mph: Earth's surface rotation; Light; Sound; or Rain?
  23. 8.Gun-metal is traditionally mostly: Zinc; Tin; Copper; or Platinum?
  24. 9.What organization has the website
  25. 10.US athletes/performers controversially 'took the.. (What?)' in 2017 human rights protests?
  26. 11.The historically common tuberculoisis called scrofula affected mainly a person's: Face; Trunk; Legs; or Neck?
  27. 12.What is the national river of Russia and the longest in Europe?
  28. 13.Traditionally how many seconds is a US rodeo bull ride: 8; 15; 30; or 60?
  29. 14.French doctor Nostradamus is famous for his 1555-8 rhyming work ‘Centuries’ of: Proverbs; Prayers; Predictions; or Recipes?
  30. 15.Malin Head is the northern tip of: Japan; Ireland; Rhode Island; or Treasure Island?
  31. 16.The late medieval Hanseatic League which dominated trade and war comprised c.150 towns of Northern: Spain; Germany; Denmark; or Malta?
  32. 17.What name is shared by Bermuda’s capital and university cities of Canada and New Zealand: Bridgetown; Jackson; Hamilton; or Willams?
  33. 18.The hot country night noise-making cicada is a: Bird; Bat; Frog; or Insect?
  34. 19.What significant war leader (1939-45) became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911?
  35. 20.A chordophone is a musical instrument with: Skin; Electricity; Strings; or Water?
  36. 21.American political activist Noam Chomsky was also a leading academic in: Chemistry; Farming; Linguistics; or Hairdressing?
  37. 22.On a sailing vessel a mizzen is a: Flag; Bell; Mast; or Kitchen?
  38. 23. UK 4th Lent Sunday and US/Canada/Australia 2nd Sunday of May is what day: Mother’s; Father’s; Thanksgiving; or Christmas?
  39. 24.What country was once called Nueva Espana?
  40. 25.What is the tree-trunk called in the Highland Games tossing event?
  41. 4.    Japanese Kobe ('koby') from Tajima Wagyu cattle is highly prized finest quality: Leather; Milk; Beef; or Horn?
  42. 5.    Blbically referenced Matzo (matza/matzah) is an important (What?) in Jewish passover cuisine: Wine; Fish; Stew; or Unleavened flatbread?
  43. 6.    What is the multiplication product of the top three numbers on a traditional calculator/phone keypad?
  44. 7.    What silver-white metalloid element, symbol Te, is named from Latin for earth?
  45. 8.    Hitchcock's thriller movie of John Buchan's book is 'The 39 (What?)' ?
  46. 9.    Canada's eastern region of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island is called The: Riptides; Saltaires; Maritimes; or Seaside?
  47. 10.  US-Finnish Linus Torvalds devised what largely eponymous open source operating system, also central to Android and Chrome?
  48. 11.  The Limpopo river rises in central south (Where?) flowing to the Indian Ocean: Africa; Australia; India; or China?
  49. 12.  Guacamole dip is made from which berry?
  50. 13.   The national 'Australia Day' is the 26th of: January; February; March or December?
  51. 14.  Known as Land of the Gods for its many Hindu temples, Utterrakhand is a north-eastern state of Pakistan; Nepal; India; or China?
  52. 15.  The popular 1990s Swedish band is called The: Cranberries; Corrs; Cardigans; or Jumpers?
  53. 16.  2nd World War posters/publicity likened the smell of chemical gas weapon Lewisite to: Lavender; Roses; Geraniums; or Spearmint?
  54. 17.  Burj Khalifa, Tapei 101, Petronas 1 and 2, and KK100  are among the world's: Tallest buildings; Highest mountains; Biggest ships; or Longest bridges?
  55. 18.  What is the cube root of a million?
  56. 19.  Characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone, a supercell is a type of: Ice age; Jet engine; Thunderstorm; or Hair dryer?
  57. 20.  The internet TLD (top level domain) .mc is reserved for: Mission Control NASA; Monaco; Scotland; or Mcdonald's Restaurants?
  58. 21.  A bianca pizza is not: Leavened; Topped; Cooked; or Round?
  59. 22.  In birdwatching parlance, what is an LBJ, referring to an indistinguishable small brown bird?
  60. 23.  Which modern city bridging Asia and Europe was called Byzantium?
  61. 24.  What three-letter word is Greek god of shepherds and meanings in cooking, film-making and  gold propecting?
  62. 25.  Russia borders with 14 nations; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus,Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea and which four others?
  63. Short-term/freelance work is popularly called the '(What?) Economy': Big; Wig; Gig; or Fig?
  64. Richard Branson announced in 2017 that it would never be possible to build enough: Care homes; Broadband capacity; Motorways; or Spaceships?
  65. What year was the 'Summer of Love', beginning among San Francisco hippies?
  66. Whetting refers to doing (What?) to a (What?): Sharpening; Cleaning; Building; Blade; Pipe; or Corner?
  67. Hippocampus is the genus name for what species?
  68. A ring used in threaded plumbing joints is called an: Olive; Orange; Plum; or Banana?
  69. Turkey accounts for c.75% of the world's production of: Pinewood; Hazelnuts; Gold; or Rubber?
  70. What has a calyx (stem/leaf), and achenes (seeds) on the outside?
  71. What two-letter moving word prefixes these to make six new words: Din; Car; Man; Tan; Grin and For?

Questions & Answers

Interactive Quiz

  1. What ancient word for a crown refers to the gaseous outer envelope of a sun or planet?
  2. Hulianwang, diadiktyo, ipurangi, and y rhyngrwyd are Chinese, Greek, Maori and Welsh for: Water; Hello; Love; or Internet?
  3. A laparotomy or celiotomy refers to accessing what cavity: Clock/watch-case; Building floor/ceiling; Human abdomen; or Egyptian tomb?
    Human abdomen
  4. Omnivorous refers to what sort of diet: Meat; Fish; Vegetable; or Varied?
  5. The surname Mercer refers to what trade: Textile fabrics; Beer; Weaponry; or Beekeeping?
    Textile fabrics
  6. On 1st July 2017 Canada celebrated its (What?) anniversary (of when Canadian Confederation was proclaimed): 100th; 150th; 200th; or 300th?
  7. What ailment is known in Cockney Rhyming Slang as 'Farmer Giles'?
  8. In botony a bract is a type of: Leaf; Aroma; Root; or Seed?
  9. What sort of image is recorded using a laser and semi-transparent mirror?
  10. Meissen in Germany is also the name of what high quality product from the city: Sausage; Lager; Porcelain; or Motorbike?
  11. In what country is the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster?
  12. 'o small' equates to what name for O in the Greek alphabet?
  13. In the musical treble clef what note is the bottom line: A; B; C; D; or E?
  14. What sort of giant (5m erect) creature is the extinct megatherium: Giraffe; Elephant; Sloth; or Penguin?
  15. The Anglicized French term entrepôt refers to a significant: Mathematical theory; Sea port; Announcement; or Breakfast?
    Sea port 
  16. Roughly how many tennis balls are stocked for use at the Wimbledon Tennis Championship fortnight: 1,200; 2,200; 4,500; or 57,000?
  17. 2.What South American country between Venezuela and Suriname has the capital Georgetown: Uruguay; Chile; Guyana; or Peru?
  18. 3.Durian is considered King of: Fountain pens; Sports cars; Kitchen knives; or Fruits?
  19. 4.What navigational instrument and balancing toy has a spinning wheel in a tilting carrier?
  20. 5.Jaggery is a form of non-centrifugal: Diamond; Salt; Sugar; or Petrol?
  21. 6.The Tango was originally danced by two: Women; Men; Warriors; or Grandparents?
  22. 7.What has the speed of 767mph: Earth's surface rotation; Light; Sound; or Rain?
  23. 8.Gun-metal is traditionally mostly: Zinc; Tin; Copper; or Platinum?
  24. 9.What organization has the website
    Jehovah's Witnesses
  25. 10.US athletes/performers controversially 'took the.. (What?)' in 2017 human rights protests?
  26. 11.The historically common tuberculoisis called scrofula affected mainly a person's: Face; Trunk; Legs; or Neck?
  27. 12.What is the national river of Russia and the longest in Europe?
  28. 13.Traditionally how many seconds is a US rodeo bull ride: 8; 15; 30; or 60?
  29. 14.French doctor Nostradamus is famous for his 1555-8 rhyming work ‘Centuries’ of: Proverbs; Prayers; Predictions; or Recipes?
  30. 15.Malin Head is the northern tip of: Japan; Ireland; Rhode Island; or Treasure Island?
  31. 16.The late medieval Hanseatic League which dominated trade and war comprised c.150 towns of Northern: Spain; Germany; Denmark; or Malta?
  32. 17.What name is shared by Bermuda’s capital and university cities of Canada and New Zealand: Bridgetown; Jackson; Hamilton; or Willams?
  33. 18.The hot country night noise-making cicada is a: Bird; Bat; Frog; or Insect?
  34. 19.What significant war leader (1939-45) became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911?
    Winston Churchill
  35. 20.A chordophone is a musical instrument with: Skin; Electricity; Strings; or Water?
  36. 21.American political activist Noam Chomsky was also a leading academic in: Chemistry; Farming; Linguistics; or Hairdressing?
  37. 22.On a sailing vessel a mizzen is a: Flag; Bell; Mast; or Kitchen?
  38. 23. UK 4th Lent Sunday and US/Canada/Australia 2nd Sunday of May is what day: Mother’s; Father’s; Thanksgiving; or Christmas?
  39. 24.What country was once called Nueva Espana?
  40. 25.What is the tree-trunk called in the Highland Games tossing event?
  41. 4.    Japanese Kobe ('koby') from Tajima Wagyu cattle is highly prized finest quality: Leather; Milk; Beef; or Horn?
  42. 5.    Blbically referenced Matzo (matza/matzah) is an important (What?) in Jewish passover cuisine: Wine; Fish; Stew; or Unleavened flatbread?
    Unleavened flatbread 
  43. 6.    What is the multiplication product of the top three numbers on a traditional calculator/phone keypad?
  44. 7.    What silver-white metalloid element, symbol Te, is named from Latin for earth?
  45. 8.    Hitchcock's thriller movie of John Buchan's book is 'The 39 (What?)' ?
  46. 9.    Canada's eastern region of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island is called The: Riptides; Saltaires; Maritimes; or Seaside?
  47. 10.  US-Finnish Linus Torvalds devised what largely eponymous open source operating system, also central to Android and Chrome?
  48. 11.  The Limpopo river rises in central south (Where?) flowing to the Indian Ocean: Africa; Australia; India; or China?
  49. 12.  Guacamole dip is made from which berry?
  50. 13.   The national 'Australia Day' is the 26th of: January; February; March or December?
  51. 14.  Known as Land of the Gods for its many Hindu temples, Utterrakhand is a north-eastern state of Pakistan; Nepal; India; or China?
  52. 15.  The popular 1990s Swedish band is called The: Cranberries; Corrs; Cardigans; or Jumpers?
  53. 16.  2nd World War posters/publicity likened the smell of chemical gas weapon Lewisite to: Lavender; Roses; Geraniums; or Spearmint?
  54. 17.  Burj Khalifa, Tapei 101, Petronas 1 and 2, and KK100  are among the world's: Tallest buildings; Highest mountains; Biggest ships; or Longest bridges?
    Tallest buildings
  55. 18.  What is the cube root of a million?
  56. 19.  Characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone, a supercell is a type of: Ice age; Jet engine; Thunderstorm; or Hair dryer?
  57. 20.  The internet TLD (top level domain) .mc is reserved for: Mission Control NASA; Monaco; Scotland; or Mcdonald's Restaurants?
  58. 21.  A bianca pizza is not: Leavened; Topped; Cooked; or Round?
  59. 22.  In birdwatching parlance, what is an LBJ, referring to an indistinguishable small brown bird?
    Little Brown Job
  60. 23.  Which modern city bridging Asia and Europe was called Byzantium?
  61. 24.  What three-letter word is Greek god of shepherds and meanings in cooking, film-making and  gold propecting?
  62. 25.  Russia borders with 14 nations; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus,Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea and which four others?
    China, Norway, Finland, Ukraine
  63. Short-term/freelance work is popularly called the '(What?) Economy': Big; Wig; Gig; or Fig?
  64. Richard Branson announced in 2017 that it would never be possible to build enough: Care homes; Broadband capacity; Motorways; or Spaceships?
  65. What year was the 'Summer of Love', beginning among San Francisco hippies?
  66. Whetting refers to doing (What?) to a (What?): Sharpening; Cleaning; Building; Blade; Pipe; or Corner?
  67. Hippocampus is the genus name for what species?
    Sea horse
  68. A ring used in threaded plumbing joints is called an: Olive; Orange; Plum; or Banana?
  69. Turkey accounts for c.75% of the world's production of: Pinewood; Hazelnuts; Gold; or Rubber?
  70. What has a calyx (stem/leaf), and achenes (seeds) on the outside?
  71. What two-letter moving word prefixes these to make six new words: Din; Car; Man; Tan; Grin and For?
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